Grameenphone 100% internet bonus on 7 Days validity internet pack from MyGP App
Download MyGP App and login
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Download MyGP App and login
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After installing App, To get Offer Visit
Campaign will run until 15th May 2020
After installing App, To get Offer Visit
Campaign will run until 15th May 2020
To check internet balance dial *121*1*4#
1GB + 1GB Bonus 7Days 89Tk
Total: 2 GB
6GB 4G + 6GB 4G Bonus 7Days 118Tk
Total: 12GB 4G
4GB (3GB + 1GB 4G) + 4GB (3GB + 1GB 4G) Bonus 7Days 108Tk
Total: 8 GB (6 GB + 2 GB 4G)
8GB (6GB + 2GB 4G) + 8GB (6GB + 2GB 4G) Bonus 7Days 148Tk
Total: 16 GB (12 GB + 4 GB 4G)
12GB (10GB + 2GB 4G) + 12GB (10GB + 2GB 4G) Bonus 7Days 198Tk
Total: 24GB (20 GB + 4 GB)

- Offer applicable for all GP customers
- Skitto customers are not eligible for the offer
- Bonus offer only applicable for packs bought via MyGP App
- MyPlan users will get 100% bonus on volume
- To check internet balance dial *121*1*4#
- To cancel Internet package dial *121*3041#
- Campaign will run until 15th May 2020
- Bonus volume not available for pack purchase via EB balance
- After expiration( Volume or Validity) of every internet pack maximum PayGo rate will be 5.825 Tk( inclusive VAT,SD &SC).
- Unused Data Volume will be carried forward if the customer purchases the same pack within the active validity period
- During Internet pack or offer purchase, for 'Payment through bKash or cards', purchase limit for prepaid customer is between 10 taka - 1000 taka and for postpaid customer 10 taka - 50000 taka.
- During pack purchase, for 'Payment through bKash or cards' any prior subscription free or emergency balance usage will be deducted from the amount recharged for pack or offer purchase. In that case internet pack or Offer that you have selected may not be activated.