Teletalk New SIM Offer 2023
Teletalk "Sagotom" Prepaid Packages
SIM Price 150Tk
Start-Up Bonus:
60 mins talktime
60 SMS
5GB data
Validity 30 days from the date of first recharge of Tk.99
* 47 Paisa/Min in any local numbers (24 hours)
* 1GB @ Tk.46 (validity 30 days)
* 2GB @ Tk.84 (validity 30 days)
* 3GB @ Tk.42 (validity 5 days)
Go to teletalk customer care to buy this package
Teletalk Sagotom Prepaid Packages
Migrate to Sagotom Package from other package
(Dont migrate from Agami,Bornomala,Oporajita Package.This packages has better offers)
For eligibility check,
type your number (015XXXXXXXX) in SMS option and send to 112 from any Teletalk number.
To Migrate : type ‘SAG’ in SMS option and send to 112.
Teletalk "Sagotom" Prepaid Packages
SIM Price 150Tk
Start-Up Bonus:
60 mins talktime
60 SMS
5GB data
Validity 30 days from the date of first recharge of Tk.99

* 47 Paisa/Min in any local numbers (24 hours)
* 1GB @ Tk.46 (validity 30 days)
* 2GB @ Tk.84 (validity 30 days)
* 3GB @ Tk.42 (validity 5 days)
Go to teletalk customer care to buy this package
- SIM price is BDT150 including all charges.
- Package Migration is permissible from Teletalk CC with proper verification.
- Pulse 1 second
- Voice tariff is excluding of SD, VAT & SC.
1GB 30Days 46Tk Recharge 46Tk or Dial *111*46#
2GB 30Days 84Tk Recharge 84Tk or Dial *111*84#
3GB 5Days 42Tk Recharge 42Tk or Dial *111*42#
Data Check Dial *152# or Type U send to 111
Teletalk Sagotom Prepaid Packages
Voice Call (any local number) 47paisa/min
Pulse 1 Second
SMS (any local number) 30 Paisa
Pay-per-use 15KB / 1paisa
Migrate to Sagotom Package from other package
(Dont migrate from Agami,Bornomala,Oporajita Package.This packages has better offers)
For eligibility check,
type your number (015XXXXXXXX) in SMS option and send to 112 from any Teletalk number.
To Migrate : type ‘SAG’ in SMS option and send to 112.