Grameenphone Gp Skitto SIM Inernet Offers
*Offer Changes time to time
To Buy data pack go to "Chill Deals" or "Promo deals" in Skitto App
*Offer Changes time to time
To Buy data pack go to "Chill Deals" or "Promo deals" in Skitto App
skitto sim home delivery
or buy from Gp Center, Locations
Chill Deals
3GB 3 Days 53Tk
1.5GB 7Days 39Tk
3GB 30Days 97Tk
8GB 30Days 193Tk
16GB 30Days 280Tk
23GB 30Days 377Tk
Promo Deals
60MB 3Days 2Tk
1GB 3Days 25Tk
2GB 3Days 45Tk
3GB 3Days 55Tk
2GB 3Days 45Tk
3GB 3Days 55Tk
106MB 7Days 7Tk
1GB 7Days 30Tk
1.5GB 7Days 40Tk
1GB 30Days 50Tk
2GB 30Days 76Tk
3GB 30Days 100Tk
5GB 30Days 150Tk
8GB 30Days 199Tk
16GB 30Days 289Tk
23GB 30Days 389Tk
Balance & Data Balance Dial *121*1#
Grameenphone Skitto SIM
For New SIM 50MB Instant Data free for Skitto App Setup
& 3GB Data Free ( 1GB/Month Validity 7Days)
Go to nearest Grameenphone Customer Care to Buy this SIM
& Install Skitto App From Play Store to Buy all internet Packs,Data Check or balance Check.
or Balance,Data Balance Dial *121*1#
Any Local Number 50Paisa/Min with 1 Sec pulse
SMS 50paisa/SMS
Recharge skitto sim from your bKash account!
You can recharge from app also
To reload your skitto account through bKash,
simply dial *247#.
Then select "mobile recharge" and select "Grameenphone".
Under "Grameenphone" you will get the "skitto" option.
Simply type the amount you want to reload and enter your bKash PIN to confirm.
To Recharge, You can recharge online from app,bkash,rocket or others
or From Flexiload Shop - tell the retailer to Recharge by this system
Dial *666*017XXXXXXXX*Amount*PIN#
(017XXXXXXXX = Your Number
Amount = Amount to recharge
PIN= retailer pin)
Skitto Helpline 01701000121
More Details
1GB 7Days 30Tk
1.5GB 7Days 40Tk
1GB 30Days 50Tk
2GB 30Days 76Tk
3GB 30Days 100Tk
5GB 30Days 150Tk
8GB 30Days 199Tk
16GB 30Days 289Tk
23GB 30Days 389Tk
Balance & Data Balance Dial *121*1#

For New SIM 50MB Instant Data free for Skitto App Setup
& 3GB Data Free ( 1GB/Month Validity 7Days)
Go to nearest Grameenphone Customer Care to Buy this SIM
& Install Skitto App From Play Store to Buy all internet Packs,Data Check or balance Check.
or Balance,Data Balance Dial *121*1#
Any Local Number 50Paisa/Min with 1 Sec pulse
SMS 50paisa/SMS
Recharge skitto sim from your bKash account!
You can recharge from app also
To reload your skitto account through bKash,
simply dial *247#.
Then select "mobile recharge" and select "Grameenphone".
Under "Grameenphone" you will get the "skitto" option.
Simply type the amount you want to reload and enter your bKash PIN to confirm.
To Recharge, You can recharge online from app,bkash,rocket or others
or From Flexiload Shop - tell the retailer to Recharge by this system
Dial *666*017XXXXXXXX*Amount*PIN#
(017XXXXXXXX = Your Number
Amount = Amount to recharge
PIN= retailer pin)
Skitto Helpline 01701000121
More Details