Teletalk Bornomala 3G SIM Online Registration | SIM 50Tk | For College and University Students 

Dear students of College (Equivalent Polytechnic, Madrasha) and University Students ,
We are much pleased to inform you that a very lucrative package of Teletalk named “Bornomala” launched.This package is only valid for the students of all college and university of Bangladesh.

* Online registration is available now
* The SIM price is only 50/=Tk.
* Lowest call & data rate.

Last day of Registration : Not Announced

Bornomala SIM Registration Process : 

 To start SMS and online registration click here. 

Send SMS to 16222 from any Teletalk number to the following way.
SMS format: BOR [space] SSC_Board(first 3 letters) [space] SSC_Roll [space] SSC_Passing_Year [space] SSC_registration_no.[space] contact_No(Any operator) [space] CC_Code(Optional)
Example: BOR DHA 123467 2017 34233402 015******** 101

- Teletalk will notify the date of SIM collection via SMS or Bornomala Website .
- Any type of further question or query, please send us an Email to [email protected]
To know Customer Care ID, Pls type: BOR HELP CCDistrict Name and send to 16222. Example: BOR HELP CC JAMALPUR.

Bornomala SIM Collection Process For All System

For Collecting SIM Following Things Needed

Documents required to withdraw Bornomala SIM:
- SIM collection SMS with OTP number which is sent by Teletalk.
- Photocopy of Admit Card/ Mark sheet/ Certificate of SSC.
- Photocopy of National ID Card( Who will perform this SIM registration )
- Photo - 02 nos.( Who will perform this SIM registration )
- SIM Price: 50 Taka.
- User Registration Form (available at any Teletalk Customer Care Center/ Point or

Teletalk Bornomala 3G Prepaid Package

Teletalk-Teletalk 30Paisa/Min
Teletalk-Other 60paisa/Min
*10Sec Pulse  & VAT Applicable

Video Call Teletalk-Teletalk 30Paisa/Min
SMS To Teletalk 30Paisa
SMS To Other 40Paisa

MMS To Teletalk 1Tk

With New SIM Free Things Are

50Min Teletalk-Teletalk , 50SMS, 50MMS,250MB Data

At 30Tk Recharge  30Min Teletalk-Teletalk, 30SMS, 30MB Data with 3 Days Validity

Teletalk Bornomala 3G SIM Special Internet Package 
Speed 512Kbps (Upto 1Mbps)
500MB 30Days 70Tk Type "D71" send to 111
30Days 130Tk Type "D72" send to 111
6GB 30Days 400TK Type "D73" send to 111
*VAT Applicable
Usage Check Type "U" send to 111

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