Bundle offer of 01711xyzxyz series number with Symphony D52i handset!
Grameenphone Ltd. on a test basis launches a new attractive bundle offer from January 21, 2015 in two specific Grameenphone Center (GPC Agrabad & GPC GEC More) in Chittagong. Through this offer valued customers will be able to purchase recycled GP prepaid numbers with 01711- series along with a Symphony D52i handset at just BDT 1700

The details of the offer are as follows:
- Valued customers will get this offer from two Grameenphone centers only (GPC Agrabad and GPC GEC More in Chittagong)
- The offer will contain all recycled prepaid numbers
- No STAR discount will be applicable for these numbers
- There will be no other extra startup offer, freebies other than regular GP prepaid offer
- Valued customers will have to purchase 01711 series number from available stock of the numbers from the mentioned GPC’s
- Customers will be required to provide regular papers for SIM purchase
- One customer can purchase more than one bundle
- On a test basis, initially GP has introduced this campaign in Chittagong and the offer will be available in GPC Agrabad & GPC GEC More
- Offer will continue till stock lasts