banglalink is proud to launch 0.facebook. now, you can facebook all day without any cost. to enjoy this visit, which is the light & textual version of facebook through your banglalink connection.
note: attempting to browse any picture, video or other content outside 0.facebook domain, will be charged as per your internet pack; if you don’t have any pack, pay-as-you-go charge will apply.
01: what is facebook zero?
ans: facebook zero ( is a light, textual version of facebook, which any banglalink (post-paid, pre-paid & c&c) subscriber can browse absolutely free of cost and stay connected to closed ones.
02: can i use any browser?
ans: it is recommended that you use default browser. you will be charged if you use proxy rendering browsers like opera mobile/ mini or uc (blackberry browser) will be.
03: i can’t see any picture or video clip. only the links are provided. will i be charged if i click the links?
ans: usually 0.facebook domain does not include any picture or video or application. all these are hosted outside 0.facebook domain. therefore, if you click to see those, you will be charged as per internet charging modality.
04: what if i have any banglalink pack (p2 – p15), while i click to see the picture link or video link?
ans: if you have valid packs while you click to see pictures or videos, charging will take place from corresponding internet pack you avail.
05: what if i don’t have any banglalink pack, while i click to see the picture link or video link?
ans: you will be charged from your main account (*124#) at pay-as-you-go rate (0.015tk/kb + vat).
06: when does this campaign starts/ ends?
ans: this 0.facebook campaign will continue till further notice.
note: attempting to browse any picture, video or other content outside 0.facebook domain, will be charged as per your internet pack; if you don’t have any pack, pay-as-you-go charge will apply.

01: what is facebook zero?
ans: facebook zero ( is a light, textual version of facebook, which any banglalink (post-paid, pre-paid & c&c) subscriber can browse absolutely free of cost and stay connected to closed ones.
02: can i use any browser?
ans: it is recommended that you use default browser. you will be charged if you use proxy rendering browsers like opera mobile/ mini or uc (blackberry browser) will be.
03: i can’t see any picture or video clip. only the links are provided. will i be charged if i click the links?
ans: usually 0.facebook domain does not include any picture or video or application. all these are hosted outside 0.facebook domain. therefore, if you click to see those, you will be charged as per internet charging modality.
04: what if i have any banglalink pack (p2 – p15), while i click to see the picture link or video link?
ans: if you have valid packs while you click to see pictures or videos, charging will take place from corresponding internet pack you avail.
05: what if i don’t have any banglalink pack, while i click to see the picture link or video link?
ans: you will be charged from your main account (*124#) at pay-as-you-go rate (0.015tk/kb + vat).
06: when does this campaign starts/ ends?
ans: this 0.facebook campaign will continue till further notice.