Now airtel customers can stay connected with their friends with convenient range of Facebook packs. Choose the pack which suits you best and be the king of Facebook! airtel bangladesh introduced 6 airtel facebook pack for facebook kings! Following data packs usable to browse facebook with handset default browser or Facebook App

4MB 2Tk 1 day Dial *121*92# Or Type "FB4" & send to 5000
50MB 5Tk 2 day Dial *121*90# Or Type "FB" & send to 5000
120MB 10Tk 3 days Dial *121*91# Or Type "FB50" & send to 5000
100MB 35Tk 7 days Dial *121*126# Or Type "FB100" & send to 5000
250MB 80Tk 15 days Dial *121*125# Or Type "FB250" & send to 5000
500MB 150Tk 30 days Dial *121*124# Or Type "FB500" & send to 5000
VAT Applicable
Data Check *778*37#
Deactivation procedure
If subscriber wishes to stop facebook packs they can SMS “FBOFF” to 5000.
Facebook packs conditions
- Facebook data pack is only usable for the following sites
- Facebook apps
- Facebook browsing using default browser. Proxy-based browsers are not supported
- Along with facebook pack it is possible to activate and use other available airtel internet packs simultaneously.
- If you have activated both facebook and volume based pack facebook pack volume will be consumed for facebook browsing and volume based pack volume will be consumed for browsing and downloading other than facebook sites
- The pack will be automatically renewed after the validity expiry if sufficient balance is available; to stop auto renewal just need to write in SMS “FBOFF” and send to 5000
- Browsing any third party link through facebook data volume will not be consumed from facebook pack rather will be consumed from other volume based pack if available or from main account as Pay as you go
- If facebook pack volume is consumed before the pack validity expiry, facebook browsing will be from other internet pack (if subscriber has other internet pack)or at PG2 (10KB/paisa) till validity expires.
- Pack reactivation within validity or auto renewal will carry forward the remaining volume.
airtel Facebook Promotion Offer
Facebook Pack 120MB+80MB FB FREE 3Days 10Tk Dial *121*91#
1GB data pack 30 days + Unlimited daily facebook 7days 199Tk
Dial *121*5014# or recharge tk 229
2GB data pack 30 days + Unlimited daily facebook 7days 350Tk
Dial *121*5020# or recharge tk 398
*5% SD + 15% VAT applicable for self-service packs
- Main balance check: *778*39#
- Bonus Balance check: *778*40#
- Facebook balance check: *778*37#

Great news for all facebook users! Your favorite facebook pack has gotten even better. Now get 50MB facebook @5tk only and 120MB facebook for 10tk only!
Balance Check
Facebook pack
2 days
Facebook pack
3 days
*15% VAT applicable
Call 786 or 01678600786 for more details