Q. How
long will it take to clear the past dues from the customer account?
A. it will
take at least 24 working hours to waive past dues (if any) from customers’
account. Any request during holidays or weekends will be updated on next
available working day.
Q. How
long will it take to get the monthly discount or bonus data in the customer
A. it will
take at least 72 hours to post the discount (tk.) or bonus data into the
customers’ account.
Q. What
are the packages/plan a customer can choose when reactive his connection?
A. Customer
has to choose one of our existing Postpaid packages (mentioned above) like
Safari, Voyage, Expedition when reactivates his connection.
Q. What
will happen when a customer using very old plan (i. e. 128/256 unlimited,
safari 25) and want to reactivate that old connection?
A. He can
still reconnect his old plan. In that case his previous due bill will be waived
but he will not get any discount on monthly rent or bonus data.
Q. What
if my device is broken or lost?
A. Customer
has to buy a new device at market price and then update his device information
in his account.
- See more at: http://www.banglalionwimax.com/index.php/component/content/article/11-others-menu/65793#sthash.jSHiiwVj.dpufReactivate your connection and get bonus data or discount on monthly rent
If your connection is inactive for at least 50 days then you are eligible for this exciting offer:
Limited data Plan
All previous dues will be waived.
Get 50% BONUS data for 1st, 2nd & 3rd month when reactivate.
King Plan
All previous dues will be waived.
Get total 50% discount (10% on 1st month, 15% on 2nd month & 25% on 3rd month) on monthly rent for first 3 months.
Conditions:1. Postpaid customers who have not used the service for last 50 days or more are only eligible for this offer.
2. Prepaid customers who have not recharged any card for last 50 days or more will be eligible for this offer if they want to migrate.
3.Following packages are only applicable for bonus data:
512Kbps- 5.5GB
512Kbps- 8GB
512Kbps- 16GB
1Mbps- 16GB
4.Following packages are only applicable for discount on monthly rent:
300Kbps- King
512Kbps- King
512Kbps- King Pro
1Mbps-King Pro
2Mbps-King Pro
5. If a customer uses any previous package (i.e. Student Plan, Regional Plan, Safari 25, 256 Kbps Unlimited etc.) and wants to retain that package then his previous dues will be cleared only but he will not get any bonus data or discount on rent on those packages.
6. IDU/i-Fi customer can also avail this offer providing the package meet the condition of IDU/i-Fi device.
7. Customer can migrate to other packages after taking the offer but he will not get any bonus data or discount on monthly rent for the subsequent month(s).
You can request through one of these options:
Open a ticket: Open a ticket for reactivation request at http://tticket.banglalionwimax.com/open.php?
Email: email [email protected] to request for reactivation. Customer must email from the email account that is stored in the system.
Customer care center: customer can go to Customer care center and request for reactivation.
Carline: customer can call BCL Careline (09611-556677 or 16313) to request for reactivation. Careline personnel will open a ticket on behalf of customer.
Q. How long will it take to clear the past dues from the customer account?
A. it will take at least 24 working hours to waive past dues (if any) from customers’ account. Any request during holidays or weekends will be updated on next available working day.
Q. How long will it take to get the monthly discount or bonus data in the customer account?
A. it will take at least 72 hours to post the discount (tk.) or bonus data into the customers’ account.
Q. What are the packages/plan a customer can choose when reactive his connection?
A. Customer has to choose one of our existing Postpaid packages (mentioned above) like Safari, Voyage, Expedition when reactivates his connection.
Q. What will happen when a customer using very old plan (i. e. 128/256 unlimited, safari 25) and want to reactivate that old connection?
A. He can still reconnect his old plan. In that case his previous due bill will be waived but he will not get any discount on monthly rent or bonus data.
Q. What if my device is broken or lost?
A. Customer has to buy a new device at market price and then update his device information in his account.
Call 09611556677 or 16313 for more
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